Company Loroch GmbH

Specialist for saw sharpening machines

Loroch GmbH evolved from a craft business founded in Heidelberg in 1899 into a modern, efficient and globally active industrial company.

Our product range include simple manual machines as well as fully automatic Service Centres for all areas of application for sharpening circular saw blades and band saws.

Very important for us is the constant consultation with our customers. With their cooperation and expertise, we regularly present and launch new developments at international trade fairs.



We are celebrating our 125th company anniversary.


Handover: Dr. Roland Loroch hands over the management of the company to Hartmut Kälberer.


The TWIN 860 is introduced. Revolutionary machine concept – two different grinding processes in one machine.


Relocation to a new company building.


Integration into the Vollmer Group.


The 4th generation with Dr. Roland Loroch takes over the management.


Worldwide introduction of the 1st CNC sharpening machine (K-CNC 510/710/910).


The company moves to its present location in Mörlenbach. In the meantime, the company’s field of activity had shifted to the development and construction of saw sharpening machines.


Foundation of a mechanical workshop in Heidelberg by Josef Loroch. Here the apparatus developed by him for soldering band saws is built and sold.